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10 life lessons from nature

Writer's picture: Cate BalesCate Bales

I’ve just spent 3 glorious weeks on holiday. I didn’t go away anywhere. I decided to stay put and explore the surrounding area where I live.  

I placed no restrictions, rules or have to’s on myself, instead, deciding each morning what I’d like to do that day. There was something incredibly powerful about stepping away from the usual routines and giving myself the spaciousness to simply beAnd it didn’t disappoint. I feel more ‘in my body’ than I have in years. My nervous system has been given a reset. 

Nature played a big role. The weather was amazing – clear sky summer days and balmy, starry nights. I didn’t realise the profound wisdom and gifts from Mother Nature until I wholeheartedly immersed myself in her. I’ve always felt soothed and calm being outdoors when I’m troubled and upset, but not been fully aware of her teachings and how they relate to my everyday world, until now. 

Here is just a snippet of her wise wisdom that I discovered: 

  1. Flow - you never see water resist moving around a rock, or a flower bud refusing to open.

  2. Grace - the effortless beauty of a flower bud opening to full bloom.

  3. Presence - all of nature is so fully present and in the now.  A tree doesn’t worry about tomorrow’s storm forecast or upset about a branch that fell off in the wind yesterday.

  4. Surrender - nature knows when it is time to let go. The leaves fully surrender from their branches, falling to the earth, each one a quiet release.

  5. Trust/Divine Timing - the seed deeply buried in the dark fertile soil, just trusts and knows that when the external conditions are met, it will grow and reach its full potential;

  6. Embracing/receiving - have you noticed in summer when a rose is in full bloom, the bees and pollinators suddenly appear. The rose doesn’t run around reaching and grasping – instead the bees come to the rose.

  7. Freedom - there are no rules placed on nature.  Aside from the innate intelligence that exists within all living matter, a flower isn’t told that on every Monday, she must produce 10 new buds.  As ridiculous as this sounds, in contrast, humanity has placed so many rules and restrictions on ourselves on a daily basis.

  8. Connection/co-operation - nature relies on nature to live in balance and harmony. Each needs the other. The fungi in the forest break down dead plants and animals, to be used as food for plants.

  9. No straight lines - nature is non-linear. Can we begin to use our discernment and to think ‘outside the box’ – life is not black or white, right or wrong. Can we shift our perspective and start to see new ways of being.

  10. Change - nature is constantly changing. You only have to watch the ocean, the patterns in the sand, the wind, cloud formation and every other part of nature to see this. There is nothing static. There is constant birth and death. Instead of clinging to the old, can we embrace constant re-birth and evolution in our own lives?

The infinite intelligence that dwells within nature also lives within us. I believe there is an inner knowing, a remembering inside each of us that yearns to live by these teachings. 

The question I have for myself is, “Can I in 2025, practice these profound teachings? Can I awaken each morning with the invitation to be fully present, to flow with ease and grace, to surrender to what is, trust in divine timing, be open to receiving abundance, connect and co-operate with others, feel the freedom within, be discerning, and be OK with change as it arises for me?” 

I hope so. I’m going to practice one of these each month, giving me a couple of months of flexibility.  Hit reply to this email if any of these resonate with you and maybe you too, may wish to apply even one of these teachings to your everyday. 

Much love and blessings,

Cate xxx



Hello! I'm Cate Bales; a passionalte health coach. I write a regular blog, “a re-claim to wholeness", inspiring you, my readers to have more energy, time, freedom and meaning in your lives. Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter here.

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