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  • Writer's pictureCate Bales

Stepping boldly into 2024

The end of one year and the beginning of another. It’s the cycle that repeats itself every 365 days. It’s as though one is given another chance at life – a way to make things different, another go.


I feel that it’s important to take some moments for reflection at this time.




For you to review the past 12 months – the good and the not so good, what you learnt and what you didn’t learn. You may be surprised at what insights arise.


Life today is the sum total of all of your ‘doings’.  Do you want to continue on the same path, taking the same actions, making the same decisions, or are there areas in your life that you’d like to improve on? In the words of Einstein, “The definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.


I know for me, there are changes that I am yearning for…to write more…to teach more…to coach more…to listen more…to create more…to hear women’s stories…to feel stronger in my body…to spend more time with my grand-daughter…the list goes on and on.


But right now, these are simply words on a piece of paper. They mean nothing. It is up to me to start taking daily ACTION to make these things happen. One yearning at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time. And even on those days when I lack in motivation, feel defeated, feel disconnected or feel flat, I still create the space and time (even if it is just 10 minutes) to take some form of action. This is how I build inner strength.


I have begun working on a creative project for children that I will be devoting the next 12 months to. I’ve completed a mind map, and begun putting all of my ideas onto sticky notes.  I’m starting. I am taking action. Step by step.


And in amongst this, life still happens – families to care for, work, cooking, cleaning, gardening, celebrations, holidays and more.  It is in the quality I bring to every single action I take that makes my life, my life.


Are you ready to step into 2024, your way?


Here are some simple questions to ponder to gain clarity on your next steps:

1.     What did I learn in 2023?

2.     What could I have done better?

3.     What were the highlights for 2023?

4.     What am I yearning for moving forward?

5.     What is one action step I can take to begin to make this a reality?


Wishing you a heart-felt, soul-led, abundant 2024.

Much love and blessings,




Hello! I'm Cate Bales; a passionalte health coach. I write a regular blog, “a re-claim to wholeness", inspiring you, my readers to have more energy, time, freedom and meaning in your lives. Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter here.

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